Top «Geek» t-shirt designs
Tostadora is home to over 200,000 original and unique designs. 80% of them (ball-park figures) just so happen to be related to geek, gaming and nerd-culture. Ranging from famous movies and multi million dollar video-game franchises to small and lesser know comic book issues or long forgotten retro games, artists from around the world have created truly beautiful and appealing designs which still hold a deep personal and sentimental value which are perfect for personalised gifts and clothing.
Here are some of the most popular themes related to the Nerdiest t-shirt designs from around the web. How many can you identify with? Let us know in the comment section below.
Classic Nintendo
Funny and original designs
IT and technology designs
Classic children’s designs
80’s and 90’s Retro gaming
Everyone loves a good mash-up! Fallout’s iconic «Vault Boy»
Gaming through the decades (70’s to 90’s)
Share with us your favourite Nerdy designs!