Retro from the 80’s and 90’s, a big hit this year

Today we would like to focus on a specific trend that you, as an artist should know and consider adding to your collection available for printed products. They’ve been a big hit this year and it seems that they this will continue to do well in the future. Each of these designs bring out a reference from the 80’s and 90s indicating in some ways Retro has never gone away. So here we go!

Retro designs have been trendy for a long time. And they still are! But retro have evolved. The influence of retro has moved from the 50’s and 60’s era to the 80’s and 90’s. Here at Tostadora we have several examples of it. Let’s do a little dive into four of the most popular retro designs on Tostadora.

In search of dragon balls T-shirt

This design is one of our most popular hits on Tostadora. As you may know, it is in reference to the Japanese manga series called ‘Dragon Ball’, written and illustrated by Akira Toryiama and originally serialized from 1984 to 1995.

This is a drawing about Son Goku by ddjvigo, of the main character in the manga series, who goes out in search for the dragon balls:

son goku drawing 2


«I’m your father», says a cassette to an iPod

What does a cassette say to an iPod? According to one of our artists, Melonseta, «I’m your father». Not bad, don’t you think?

Even though the trademark ‘compact cassette- was registered in 1964, cassettes became extremely popular in the 80s. Also, the other part of the play-on-words of «I’m your father», popular statement by one of the most known characters of Star Wars, Darth Vader, was first said in 1983 in the third part of the trilogy, «The return of the Jedi».

Here you can see the drawing:

Im your father cassette 2


Delorean from the movie ‘Back to the Future’

In 1985 a science fiction film by Robert Zemeckis was launched. It was called ‘Back to the Future’ and starred by Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. Surprisingly it was a huge success and was «ahead of its time». In fact, it still is immensely popular. Good proof of that Retro has never gone out of style on Tostadora. You can see a design related to Delorean along with its creator, the ‘Doc’, a scientist played by Lloyd, created for traveling the time:

back to the future delorean


Pacman is an arcade game developed by the Japanese company – Namco and was first released in Japan in 1980. It is credited as being a landmark in video game history and it is considered of the most successful creations in the history of video gaming.

Here’s a simple but totally representative Pacman design:


So, what about you? Are your a retro designs illustrator? An interesting trend to follow, for sure.

Let us know your favourite Retro designs on Tostadora in the comment section below.


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